At VA 361 Productions we are a company committed to society, which is why this year as part of our CSR activities we have also included the raising the profile of Phelan-Mcdermic syndrome.
This year, we are joining the call for the next 22nd October where a green space will be illuminated to give more visibility to children suffering from this syndrome and will be shared on social networks under the hashtag #brillaporphelan.
What is Phelan-McDermid syndrome?
This syndrome is a genetic condition considered rare. Most cases are caused by loss of genetic material from the terminal end of chromosome 22.
How many people are affected by Phelan-McDermid syndrome?
This syndrome is a genetic condition that is currently considered a rare disease. In Spain, more than 100 children are affected.
However, it is estimated that one in every 200 people with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders has this syndrome, so in reality, it could affect between 2,500 and 5,000 people in Spain in Spain.
If you want to know more about this syndrome do not hesitate to visit the official web site