3D renders for events: What they are, how they help you organise your event, why you should use them.

3D renders for events: What they are, how they help you organise your event, why you should use them.

When we organise an event, we have to keep in mind a lot of details and tasks that we have to carry out. When we talk about the audiovisual part, there are different elements such as 3D renderings for events, which allow us to visualise in advance how the different solutions that are being considered would look like.

What are 3d renders for events?

If you've been in the events industry for some time, you may remember that years ago it was quite common to sit down with a notebook and pen in hand to draw a picture. to define how the stage was going to look like, also to establish how the lighting was going to be placed, the different branding elements etc.

However, as we always say at VA, the technology applied to the audiovisual sector for events is advancing by leaps and bounds. This means that it is no longer necessary to take out the notebook and pen to plan all of this, but rather to There are much better solutions.

One of the most popular solutions are 3D renders, and thanks to a computer it is now possible to make realistic images where you can use not only real measurements, but also the textures of materials, colours, tones, lighting, all branding and corporate elements, and even all types of furniture, with the distribution they would have in the real space, You can even include pictures of people as assistants or speakers!

In this way, long before the event takes place, the client himself can see how the event will look. creative concept of your event and if there is anything you would like to modify or change, avoiding that the final result of the event is different from what would have been achieved.

3D renderings are a great ally when planning an event.

As you know, organising an event is a challenge and requires a lot of advance planning. If, in addition, other departments are also involved in this process or even customersThe task can become much more complicated. That's why, when we have 3D rendering, we can make sure that all of the the people involved have the same ultimate vision of the event to be held, the realistic photographs will show a picture of the final result that will be achieved.
Furthermore, we should not forget to mention that in the case of complex creative concepts, can help us determine whether the idea we have is in line with reality, or if we need to include/modify or change something to bring our expectations in line with reality.

Reasons why you should use 3D renders to visualise your event

Within the events sector, there are many types of events and conventions that can be held depending on the corporate objectives we have.From charity events, sporting events, new product launches, press or media presentations, customer breakfasts, workshops, and many more!
And we must say that in all cases, 3D renders will be a great help when it comes to planning and designing the event. Not sure why? We tell you the main reasons to include 3D renderings when planning and organising an event:
  • It helps to convey the creative concept of the event: Whether you are the company that is going to carry out the event, or if you have a client to whom you have to present the proposal, a 3D image will help you to explain in the best way the idea you have in mind. It will also allow you to see if the details you want to include fit with the space and the rest of the elements you want to include, or if you need to add more details.
  • It puts everyone involved on the same page: By having a realistic picture of what the event will look like, everyone involved has the same vision, avoiding confusion.
  • It makes it easier to put the event in context: A 3D render allows you to convey the vision you have for the event 100%. In addition, this type of images are adjusted to reality, as the characteristics of the space will be used in addition to all the details that you have decided to include in the event, allowing you to see the event space in its entirety: distribution of the space, decorative elements, branding, lighting, furniture, distribution of chairs and tables, etc.
  • It allows for better planning of your event: Thanks to the renders, you will be able to see the final result of each element you want to include in your event. This way, you will be able to see in advance if the final result as you have planned it fits you, or if you want to include or remove something to improve the final result. In addition, you will know exactly what material is being used to achieve that result, which makes it easier to make a list of material to make sure we have everything we need on the key date.
  • It boosts creativity: 3D renderings allow you to see what the creative concept will look like in reality, allowing the client to see exactly what their idea will look like once it is realised. In this way adjustments can be made and the client can even change their creative concept, without having to incur the costs of multiple productions and set-ups.
  • You will be able to make the most of your event space: 3D renders allow you to design the space of your event, whatever its measurements and characteristics. This makes it possible to create tailor-made solutions that are fully adapted to the particularities of the space.

Ways in which 3D helps you plan an event


As you have seen, This type of digital resource has great advantages both for event organisers and for the brand that is going to hold the event. However, there are two key aspects why 3D is a great ally when planning an event. These are:


You will be able to view the final event, before it takes place!

This is undoubtedly one of the great advantages. And it is that, this resource allows you to see in detail what your event will look like, with all its elements, layout and details. And all this, without having to assume production costs if the result is not as expected. In addition to this, rendering allows not only to see the final result, but also to know each material that has been used to achieve it. If the result that is being visualised is not what we expected, these digital tools also allow us to make the necessary adjustments so that everything is exactly as we had in mind, This saves a huge amount of money, time and resources.


They help you promote the event

3D renders are very valuable resources, not only for the organisation of the event but also for its promotion. can be used by marketing and communication departments to generate greater interest and expectation among attendees.
In addition to this, we must not forget that many events seek sponsors or sponsorships to which they cede certain spaces and with which they reach certain agreements.  So 3D renderings can also be used to capture sponsors. We cannot forget that sponsors usually have their own objectives that make them sponsor or not an event. These are usually measured in terms of profile and number of attendees expected at the event, visibility, business contacts and even sales.

You should know that It is quite common for an event to have several levels of sponsorship.depending on the available space and the different branding elements. 3D renderings can also be used to make the sponsor knows exactly the area that corresponds to each level, together with the measurements and the different details. In this way, you will have all the information beforehand to make the best decision according to your objectives and budget.

And you, did you know that 3D renderings have become a staple when organising an event?

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