Trends and audiovisual technology for the event industry

Trends and audiovisual technology for the event industry

Planning an event well is a complex process that takes a lot of time and advance planning. Any corporate event requires not only having a lot of tasks in mind, but it will also require talking to and coordinating different suppliers.

Normally, when talking about the audiovisual part of an event, one of the basic requests is usually: I want my event to be heard well by all my attendees, and I also want the day to be recorded so that I can use the material later. However, the audiovisual sector, like the technological sector, is advancing by leaps and bounds, so knowing some of the most cutting-edge trends can help us to get more out of our event.

Let's talk about some of the trends that are currently taking place in the audiovisual sector for events:

Trends taking place in the audiovisual world in the event sector

As we were saying, the audiovisual landscape is changing as fast as the technology industry, and even the marketing industry, is evolving. Those attending an event want it to surprise them and be different from other events they have attended.

Users no longer demand what they demanded a few years ago, Just as they don't use technology in the same way or interact with other professionals, everything keeps evolving!

That's why if you are a professional event organiser, a communication agency or a marketing manager you have different events, workshops and conventions in your annual action planning, you should be aware of the new audiovisual trends and innovations that will allow you to surprise your attendees, increasing the memory of the day.

Likewise, it never hurts to have a conversation with your audiovisual partner where you tell them about the creative concept of your event, and the objectives you have for it. In this way, he will be able to propose several solutions that adapt to what you are looking to achieve, as, depending on what you are looking for, and the characteristics of the space where the event is going to take place, the technical solutions that will fit best may vary.

Some of the aspects that are currently shaping the audio-visual solutions being used during events are:

Increasing use of video content

Video capsules are increasingly used to convey an idea or concept. In this way, not only is information presented, but also brand recall is increased, giving a fun and dynamic touch to the day.

However, not just any video will do! Time and effort must be invested to make professional content. that is of sufficient quality to convey what the brand wants.

According to the "Think with Google" survey conducted by the corporate brand, when using formats that include audio and video, attendee recall goes up by 3.9. In addition to this, according to the same survey, the results confirm that short videos are the ones that generate the most engagement and recall in the user.

In other words, what works best nowadays is not just to have one or more speakers explaining the facts of their presentation, but during the speech itself, information is complemented with video clips, as well as different dynamic elements. 

The digital elements 

Gone are the days when simple graphics, or static images were used during events. We now have a wealth of resources to generate and maintain user interest. 

Use LED screens, make projections, include interactive elements, signage, interactive videos, blenders, among many other solutions, they will make your event more interesting!

Nowadays, the star of your event is no longer just the speaker, but everything that surrounds them. So finding a way to make the most of that space is going to make all the difference in making your event memorable.

4K screens and VR systems, among the most used!

As mentioned above, the content shown during an event complements the speaker and is becoming increasingly important. This makes it essential to have a good support to present all the information, videos and graphics, which offers the level of quality we are looking for.

Facial recognition

No doubt about it, this is one of the most anticipated trends for many companies. Current facial recognition systems make it possible to optimise exponentially, for example, the access to and from an event. These systems can capture photos of the person's face and compare it with the file we have of that person. In this way, through artificial intelligence, it is possible to identify the person.

In addition, This technology can be complemented with other technological elements such as QRs, pre-assigned seats to presentations, etc. In this way, depending on the actual number of people attending the event, the space can be distributed in the best way to offer a better user experience to the attendees.

Another aspect that makes facial recognition so interesting when it is applied to an event is that allow to increase the security level of the system, In the case of an unauthorised attendee, it would be automatically identified in order to be able to proceed in the most appropriate way.

Artificial vision

On the other hand, we cannot talk about facial recognition without talking about artificial vision. This is a technological solution with a multitude of applications. From counting the number of attendees in real time, to locating the "hot zones" or the areas that are generating the most interest during an event.

This technology is also used to track the level of interest being generated. This way, if desired, the pace of the event can be adjusted, making the day more interesting for the attendees.

All this data is undoubtedly of great interest to organisers in order to improve the experience they offer at their events.

Wereables or wearable technology devices

It is quite common for anyone attending an event to carry a badge stating their name, job title and company, isn't it? Nevertheless, Today's technology already allows smart devices to carry this information.

Why are wearables particularly interesting? One of the things that makes them particularly interesting is that they allow for greater convenience for attendees, as they do not require them to carry bulky badges. And what's more, store all the personalised information of that user and their activity, allowing them for example to automatically connect on LinkedIn with the attendees they want! or knowing what content they have consumed or have generated the most interest for them.

On the other hand, speaking specifically about the event organisers, wereables also offer them a multitude of benefits, they will allow them to analyse how many people have attended the event, the capacity of the space in real time and also to control both access and exits from the venue in a secure manner.

Augmented and virtual reality, increasingly present at events!

Today, concepts that until very recently were relegated to the realm of science fiction have become reality. Holograms, artificial vision, augmented reality, are increasingly present in the most cutting-edge events.

Although they have been applied to the gaming and video games sector for some time now, they have only recently started to be applied to events. And we have to say that... Events where attendees must wear artificial vision goggles to be able to visualise and interact with the content that is happening are becoming more and more common!

This new trend, not only offers an extra point to the event industry, but it will also involve the attendee even more in what is happening, offering them unique and unrepeatable experiences.

On the technical side, though, applying this technology involves extra difficulties to be considered, in addition to profiles with specific 3D design and animation skills. 

XR or "extended reality

Continuing with augmented reality, we would also have extended reality. XR or "extended reality" is going to be a mix between augmented reality and virtual reality, creating what is called "mixed reality".

The first thing to know is that this technology can be applied almost limitlessly, From the creation of fully interactive 3D content, to games where all the attendees can participate at the same time, to yinganas where raffles are held among the attendees.

Light decoration and projection mapping

Both light decoration and mapping techniques, will allow us to transform spaces, being able to project the images we want on a wall, for example, or on the façade of a building.

Nowadays we have many options that allow us to project images as well as 2D and 3D videos, we can also create content that is interactive.


Until very recently, an event could be cancelled or postponed when a speaker could not attend the event location in person. Nowadays, different solutions are available to ensure that a small complication does not move or cancel an event. If we are conventional, we can opt for live connections, but we can also make the speaker participate as if they were at the event itself using holograms.

Holograms allow the speaker to be in one location, with the hologram appearing in a different location, thanks to the latest video solutions on the market.

A surprising element that will not leave your audience indifferent.

And you, did you know about all the technological innovations that are being applied in the events sector?

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